Saturday, February 14, 2015


I still feel like I'm having an out-of-body experience. It's interesting to see how being in a new environment is quickly changing me as a person. Or rather, it brings out a side of me that I didn't know existed. When I came to Busan a week ago everyone and everything was unfamiliar to me. It still is, and I'm also somewhat unfamiliar with myself in this environment. I've always been used to being around people I'm close to. And now I'm navigating unchartered territory when it comes to nearly everything. However, I've have made some dear friends. I'm surrounded by positive, supportive, enthusiastic, kind, hilarious, and overall wonderful people. I'm so thankful for their help, and for showing me around, helping me use transportation (I still can't use it by myself), taking me to basic places like e-mart, etc. :) I'm also really thankful for the staff. This orientation obviously took a lot of work, and I can see how much planning went into it. This whole program is very well organized.

So this is a quick overview of my typical day at orientation: I wake up at around 7AM, shower, then head to breakfast (which is straight up like the DC), and then I go to lecture and learn about teaching, EFL, lesson planning, classroom management, Korean culture,  Korean language, etc. up until 8PM.  And we get breaks for lunch and dinner somewhere between that. :) Then I go and hang out with everyone! I'm back in my room by around 11:30PM, by which time I crash into bed. So I'm in a very structured environment. But eventually I'll be on my own in Wonju, and I haven't really had the time to let that fact sink in. That's when I'll officially start teaching, taking care of myself, and meeting new people all over again. And I won't be in the bubble that I'm in now. One thing I want to gain coming out of this experience is not having to need others. But not knowing the language is proving to make that quite difficult.

Exploring Busan during nighttime:

Everything in the stores are cute:

teheehe derp hi:

I'll try to make it a point to take more pictures of food for my next post! :) Also, Happy Valentine's Day! This post has been floating in my drafts for a while. So finally *post*

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