Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Busan Awaits

I have two more nights at home, and then I'm flying off to Korea. I figured I'd make a blog as a way to document this important time in my life. I'll be staying in Wonju for a year, and from what I see on YouTube it looks quite alive! This is the first time that I'll be doing something completely on my own. I don't know anyone in Korea at all. Usually I know at least one person living within the same country as me! So it's very much sink or swim. And I need this. A year ago I would have never in a million years guessed that I'd be in the position that I am today. Just everything I've done, having taught in a classroom, adopted a kitten, met so many kind people, and now flying off to a country that is foreign to me. I'm glad that this experience aligns with my goals, and I'm so thankful for this opportunity as well. I want to use this year to truly grow into my own skin, and feel 100% comfortable being alone. I definitely have improved a lot compared to where I used to be, and I think I'm ready. But this journey will truly put me to the test. After I do this, I think I'll be ready to take on the world on my own terms. My life is mine, and I appreciate my freedom so much. I don't know what's in store for me, but I want maximize my time in the best way that I can. If I could tell my past self anything, it would be this: Don't be afraid of doing things because you don't think you're good enough. You are much stronger, and capable than you believe. You will accomplish great things, and you will have a positive impact on this world. Persevere. 

Because that's something I've always wanted. To somehow have a positive impact on this world. I'm realizing that that has been my dream all along.

Cheers to 2015! I hope good things happen to all of us. :)

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