Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sports Day

This is the view from my office at Jangyang Elementary.

Sports Day at Jangyang Elementary school was tons of fun! The students, parents, and teachers got to compete in fun games and sports. :) My favorite was definitely the baton races. It was truly a wonderful experience for everyone! And it brought a sense of unity to the school. What I loved seeing the most was the sportsmanship displayed amongst the students. After a game was finished I saw the winners hug the losers, and at the end of the day the whole student body helped clean up and put the chairs back in the school. I saw little second graders carrying their chair back into their classrooms! And if a student was struggling, an older student would come to their rescue. It was so heartwarming to see, and I think the world could learn a lot from this culture.

D'oh! :3

These two ladies always sit with me during lunch, and try to get me to take more kimchi. :P

Coordinated dance!

A game is in session. Hi Jinbo Teacher!

From left to right: The principal, and the vice principal! They are playing rock paper scissors.

4th grade cuties!

3rd grade sweetheart! :3 

Go Joon Ik! Wave that flag!

Ahhh! Faster!

Two (adorable) troublemakers from my 5th grade. :) Two peas in a pod!

I talked to quite a number of my students, and we'd have an English conversation. I would make sure to use language that they had learned in class, and it was the cutest thing ever to see their parents behind them swelling up with pride!!!! :') It was also funny and nice to hear random students shout "Anisha Teacher, I love you!!" 

I had the day off, but I'm so glad I went and got to witness such a bright and friendly event. I hope I get to see more while I'm here!


  1. this is so cute im tearing up as i type. kids...with their sports pants and flags...ugh. so cute. the rock paper scissors too. and it's so cool they can have conversations with you in english! :,)

    1. Hehe.. conversation as in. "Hi! How's it going? What's your favorite hobby? What time is it?" :P
